Andrew Crossley Speaking About the Collaboration Premium in Greece
Andrew Crossley is to speak at the PRO-VE annual conference at Thessaloniki in Greece 7-9 October 2009. He will be presenting at the special panel session: Towards the Next Generation Collaborative Network Organizations: International Challenges, Trends and Research Opportunities.
His talk entitled ‘A Decade of Enterprise Networks - Practical Experience in Implementing Networks’ reviews our strategic partner ServQ’s significant experience and research findings on enterprise networks. The theme is about Delivering the Collaboration Premium and he will be discussing the ServQ Collaboration Premium Model. At its core are the key behavioural attributes of high Partnering Intelligence and Trust and the collaborative network goals of Equitable Business Outcomes, Risks and Rewards. Andrew has been invited as one of three EU experts on enterprise networks and he will also participate in the special panel discussion along with representatives from Mexico, Brazil, Spain and Switzerland.
Commenting on the invitation Andrew said, “It is a great opportunity to discuss some of the opportunities and challenges in implementing networks. Networks are some of the most powerful business models of the 21st century but they are not the traditional command and control/hierarchical systems that much of the Western World has become used to in the Globalisation 1 and 2 eras between the 1500s and 2000. There are some basic human behaviours about successful collaboration that existed long before the industrial era and will outlive the era of the multi-national firm. My colleague Stephen Dent has proven time and again that basic attributes about trust, future orientation, comfort with change and interdependence worked for our forefathers and will outlive our offspring. Technology now enhances some of the communication process but it is people that matter and make things happen.”
Contact Andrew Crossley for a copy of the speech.