The New GAO Scheduling Guide

On 31st May 2012 the US Government Accountability Office published its new draft Scheduling Assessment Guide. Andrew Crossley has been supporting this project as an expert advisor since 2009. He says:

"It's great to see how excellent collaboration between the US public and private sector can create an excellent practical guide on scheduling best practice. I was first introduced to its Principal Author Karen Richey in 2008 when she came to CAM-I to talk about her work on the GAO Estimating and Cost Guide.

Karen then asked if I was interested in becoming an advisor on its companion volume on scheduling which is published in draft form today. 3 years on it is very nice of the team to acknowledge me as one of the core band of helpers on this new publication."

You can access the guide and are invited to comment on it by the US GAO at . This also illustrates the collaborative spirit and commitment to continuous improvement of the US GAO.